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Crispy Ranch Hen Tenders | Cookies and Cups

Taste-packed ranch hen is juicy buttermilk hen tenders coated in crispy Doritos chips with zesty ranch seasoning. Pan-fried on the stovetop for additional crunch!

Searching for extra weeknight-ready hen recipes? Strive my pecan crusted chicken tenders and crispy popcorn chicken, too.

Crispy ranch chicken tenders arranged around a small metal ramekin of ranch dressing on a white platter.

Why You’ll Love This Crispy Ranch Hen Recipe

Stage up your hen dinners with this cool and crunchy ranch hen recipe. Ranch hen is juicy hen strips marinated in buttermilk, then dipped in crispy Cool Ranch Doritos crumbs and fried till golden. It’s about to change into a household favourite, right here’s why:

  • Zesty ranch taste. Cool Ranch Doritos include all that savory ranch taste already included! However you should utilize any corn chips you’d like, and add ranch seasoning for taste.
  • Additional crunchy. Ranch hen is delightfully crispy on the skin and tremendous juicy on the within. Deep frying will get the crispiest outcomes, however in case you’d favor to bake your hen as an alternative, I’ve included oven instructions, too.
  • Child-friendly. The entire household goes loopy for these savory, zesty do-it-yourself ranch hen tenders! Serve them on a weeknight together with your favourite sides, or make them on recreation day to pair with yummy dipping sauces.
The ingredients for ranch chicken with a text label overlaying each ingredient.The ingredients for ranch chicken with a text label overlaying each ingredient.

Components You’ll Want

This recipe makes use of easy elements, but packs a great deal of taste into every juicy ranch hen tender! Under are some notes on what you’ll want. Scroll to the recipe card after the put up for a printable elements listing.

  • Hen – Boneless, skinless hen breasts (or thighs), sliced into strips. You can even purchase pre-cut hen tenderloins from the grocery retailer.
  • Buttermilk – To marinate the hen. In case you don’t have buttermilk, you may make a homemade buttermilk substitute from common milk and white vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Doritos – Doritos corn chips are my hack for giant taste in the whole lot from casseroles to hen tenders. You’ll crush Cool Ranch Doritos into crumbs and mix them with flour for the breading.
  • Ranch Seasoning – Non-compulsory, however be at liberty so as to add 1-2 spoonfuls of your favourite Ranch seasoning combine to spice up the flavour.
  • Oil – For frying. You’ll need to use vegetable oil or one other cooking oil with a excessive smoke level, like canola oil. 

Find out how to Make Ranch Hen

This crispy ranch hen takes a little bit of time to marinate earlier than frying, but it surely’s 100% price it. The buttermilk tenderizes the hen and makes it tremendous flavorful. Comply with the step-by-step beneath, and scroll right down to the recipe card for printable directions.

  • Marinate the hen. First, place your hen tenders in a bowl of buttermilk. Let the hen marinate within the fridge for at the least 2-3 hours. You can even do that the day earlier than and let the hen soak in a single day.
  • Make the breading. Subsequent, crush up the Doritos contained in the bag, and add the items to a blender with flour. Pulse till the Doritos resemble Panko crumbs (massive breadcrumbs). I prefer to sprinkle in additional Ranch seasoning for taste.

Coat the hen. Now, you’ll take your marinated hen out of the fridge and dip the buttermilk hen strips into the Doritos combination. Place the coated hen onto a plate.

  • Fry. Lastly, fry the breaded hen in sizzling oil, about 3-4 minutes per facet. You’ll probably have to fry the hen in batches. Place the completed hen onto a baking sheet lined with paper towels to empty.
  • Serve! Take pleasure in your crispy ranch hen straight away with a facet of dipping sauce. See beneath for simpler serving recommendations.

Can I Make Baked Ranch Hen As a substitute?

Sure! Whereas frying will get this ranch hen particularly crunchy, you possibly can completely bake your hen within the oven in case you favor. Prepare the breaded hen on a lined baking sheet. Bake at 400ºF for 20 minutes. The hen is completed when the skin is golden and the interior temperature reads 165ºF on an instant-read thermometer.

Overhead view of crispy ranch chicken tenders arranged around a small metal ramekin of ranch dressing on a white platter.Overhead view of crispy ranch chicken tenders arranged around a small metal ramekin of ranch dressing on a white platter.

Ideas for Success

Comply with these useful ideas for completely crispy ranch hen:

  • Hold the oil on the proper temperature. Ensure that the cooking oil reaches 350ºF and stays at that temperature when you’re frying. If the oil isn’t sizzling sufficient, the skin of the breading gained’t brown properly. A candy thermometer makes it straightforward to verify the temperature of the oil.
  • Concentrate when deep frying. Don’t go away your range unattended whereas deep frying, and gently decrease the hen into the recent oil to keep away from splatters.
  • Examine that the hen is completed. Your hen is completed cooking when the interior temperature reads 165ºF on an instant-read thermometer.
  • Use the air fryer. You may make additional crispy ranch hen within the air fryer with much less oil (and fewer mess) than deep frying. Comply with the cooking instructions for my crispy air fryer chicken tenders
A pile of ranch chicken tenders next to a small metal ramekin with ranch dressing, with a bite missing from one of the chicken tenders.A pile of ranch chicken tenders next to a small metal ramekin with ranch dressing, with a bite missing from one of the chicken tenders.

What to Serve With Ranch Hen Tenders

Ranch hen is scrumptious served as an entree or as an appetizer, paired with homemade Ranch dressing for dipping. We additionally love crispy hen dunked in homemade BBQ sauce, honey mustard, or the all-time chicken dipping sauce. Pair this hen with a pile of mashed potatoes and fluffy air fryer biscuits for a satisfying consolation meals meal.

Get artistic and revel in this crispy hen wrapped in a comfortable tortilla for ranch hen tacos, or chop the hen as much as serve over a Southwestern Cobb salad.

A crispy ranch chicken tender dipped in ranch dressing, held above a metal ramekin surrounded by more chicken on a white platter.A crispy ranch chicken tender dipped in ranch dressing, held above a metal ramekin surrounded by more chicken on a white platter.

Storing and Reheating Leftovers

  • Refrigerate. As with something that’s fried, this ranch hen is greatest loved straight away. Nevertheless, you possibly can retailer any leftover hen hermetic within the fridge for as much as 3 days. 
  • Reheat. I like to recommend reheating the hen within the oven for the crispiest outcomes.
  • Freeze. To freeze crispy ranch hen, flash-freeze the cooked tenders on a baking sheet after which switch them to a freezer bag. Freeze for as much as 3 months. Reheat the hen within the oven straight from frozen till it’s sizzling all through.

Extra Simple Hen Recipes


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Ranch hen is juicy buttermilk hen tenders coated in crispy Doritos chips with zesty ranch seasoning. Serve this flavor-packed fried hen recipe as an appetizer or straightforward dinner!

  • 2 lbs boneless hen breasts, minimize into “tenderloin” strips
  • 2 cups buttermilk
  • 1 (12 oz) bag of Cool Ranch Doritos (or no matter taste you favor)
  • 1 cup flour
  • *non-compulsory 1-2 Tbsp Ranch seasoning combine for additional Ranch taste
  • vegetable oil to fry

  1. In a medium bowl, marinate the hen strips in buttermilk for at LEAST 2-3 hours (you possibly can soak in a single day).
  2. Take bag of Doritos and crush the chips inside. Now switch Dorito items and flour into meals processor or blender to crush and mix till the Doritos are the dimensions of panko bread crumbs. Add in Ranch seasoning if desired.
  3. Switch crumbs right into a medium bowl.
  4. Arrange a “coating station” and take away every hen strip from the buttermilk, permitting extra to drip off and coat the hen within the Dorito/Flour combination. Switch to a plate and proceed with all hen.
  5. Fill a big skillet at the least 1/2- inch deep with oil and warmth over medium till the oil reaches 350°F, In batches prepare dinner the hen for 3 – 4 minutes on all sides, till golden. Switch to a paper towel lined baking sheet and repeat till all of the hen is cooked. *see notes for baking directions. 
  6. Serve instantly with Ranch dressing!


  • Baking directions: Bake at 400°F on a parchment lined baking sheet for 20 minutes till golden and hen reaches 165° on a meat thermometer. 


  • Serving Measurement: 1 plate
  • Energy: 590
  • Sugar: 4.7 g
  • Sodium: 330.2 mg
  • Fats: 19.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 58.2 g
  • Protein: 42.5 g
  • Ldl cholesterol: 119.3 mg

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